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Our Insights

Latest MPF and Employee Benefits market insights by the GUM Team of actuaries and investment analysts

Employee Insurance Benefits Research 2023

In the post-pandemic era, how are employee benefits evolving and how should HR react to the changes?

Flexible Benefits Report

[HR Trends 2023] Is Flexible benefits a boost to staff retention? Download our report on market views on flexi for your strategic planning.

Total Wellbeing Report

Looking to lower the people cost of presenteeism and turnover? Engaging them with total wellbeing can be more sustainable. Download our Total Wellbeing Report now!

2022 MPF Top 10

When reflecting on 2022 MPF TOP 10 major news, which news comes in your mind first?
Probably it’s about the fluctuating MPF performance, with a loss of 39K per person! What are more breaking news and what else you have to know?

MPF Conservative Funds vs. Fixed Deposit

During rate hike cycle, MPF members are comparing return of MPF conservative funds vs bank fixed deposit. Is the comparison logical and expectations reasonable?

What HR can do while in MPF downturn

2022 MPF performance is far from satisfactory but more than 60% of benefit cost is from pension. Can HR do more so your staff lose less?

The Abolition of MPF Offsetting

The legislation has passed the third reading in the Legislative Council. How is the latest implementation timeline and what should you be asking as HR?

Employee Insurance Benefits Research

When the new normal is no longer new, how are employee benefits evolving and what should HR be thinking about your next EB renewal?

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